A walk on the wild side

Posted: June 14, 2015 in Gallery Post
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My life has taken a bit of a wild ride since I posted last. There have been  lots of changes,  some good and some bad.   That’s a post for another day, though.

Today, today I’m cracking the lid on this blog to share with y’all some of the amazing things I’ve found, walking in a local park. I’ve been walking a lot more lately, and found that it’s no longer something that I have to do, but something I actually enjoy doing. In fact when I’m stressed now, it’s the first thing that pops into my head, the  desire not to run and hide, but to go out and walk.  This, the the local hang out, the place anyone who is anyone wants to be. Well, anyone with feathers that is. But as LeVar Burton used to say on Reading Rainbow, “You don’t have to take my word for it.”

don't wanna share

These fellows love their home, which is up in the eaves of the gazebo there on the pond. I saw them this morning with my Mom and my nieces, and despite the heat, went home, got my camera and walked back to take pictures because they are just about to fledge.

One more week  and they will be out of the tiny nest and on their own, I’m betting. The nest is all ready way too small for them; the more adventurous of them were clinging to the outside of it  when Mom and Dad were off getting breakfast. Despite looking like grumpy old men, they were rather adorable, and peeping like mad when I got under their nest, though I have to say, I look NOTHING like  Mom or Dad.  Seriously, what is going on with the down on the sides of their heads? It looks like wild old-man hair. Check it out:

angry neighorman

You and your taking pictures in the middle of the day. In my day cameras stole your soul. We had to chisel images into stone if we wanted to remembering the event.

They weren’t the only attractions on my walk; check out these busy bees.

DSCN7492Not exactly sure what this is, but the aroma around the plants was like raspberries.  And the bees were chowing down. If I had a tiny microphone to stick amid the blossoms I’m pretty certain that I would have heard  SLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRP  *burp*  and then “excuse me”  Bees are very courteous diners. You didn’t know that? *HA* Obviously YOU never watched this  episode of  Reading Rainbow.

The last arresting bits in the park ( It was  eighty five degrees outside and it felt like 104 according to the weather man, due to the humidity)  were these cool green pockets  amid all the hot splashes of Sun.

DSCN7511 moss sunlighton a rock

After I found these, it was time to head home, before I completely melted into my shoes.  The cool thing is, a year ago, I’d not have gone out in the heat again and walked the extra  mile to get the pictures, having all ready walked two miles with Mom and the niece-lings.  Two years ago, I would have been in too much pain to even think about walking with Mom and the niece-lings.  Like I said before, there have been a lot of changes in my life since I posted last.  Good and bad. Hopefully a return to posting, will be counted as one of the good.

Until next time Scribes,

Encourage one another!

  1. paulette erkenbrack says:

    Awesome pix michelle. I look forward to your blog.

  2. Gee says:

    I very much enjoyed this post. The beauty and wonders of nature are always inspiring. I wish more children (and, for that matter, adults) would get back to nature. It’s hard to dwell on hard times and problems when one is surrounded by the gorgeous and marvelous fields, forests, hills, lakes, and oceans with which we are blessed in our great country. In addition, reading good books on nature and on travel such as those of Emerson, Thoreau, and Dickinson (nature) and Steinbeck (“Travels with Charlie”), William Least Heat Moon (“Blue Highways”), and Mark Twain (“A Tramp Abroad,” “Traveling the Equator,” “Roughing It,” “Life on the Mississippi,” and “The Innocents Abroad”) helps one to capture, imaginatively, what one cannot experience personally, as does your post.

  3. Craig says:

    Great story, really liked it. Looked like a fun day was had..

  4. These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Be brilliant, be peculiar, be peculiarly brilliant.