Posts Tagged ‘bad attitudes’

These are the important things, all packed for my adventure.

Saturday was a week, shoved into a 24 hour period.  My review of Kiss of Night was due to my editor, the power was not available, and the house was roasting hot.  Mom and Dad went and got breakfast and brought me back a muffin and coffee. After a quick hair-washing in the sink (no hot water because the hot water heater requires power)  I was into my most  Summer-y attire  and hauling my lap top to the library. There, for three hours I charged my phone, my e-book reader and my laptop, while I worked on the review. Kiss of Night was taking forever  to review, people were loud, the desk space was cramped and I was about ready to kill everyone.

It was not a proud moment for me. I yelled at my Mom, and I growled at my Dad and they had every right to leave me home as they headed for the hills. Thankfully, grace abounded towards me. We got home and I was told to be quiet, throw things in a suit case, and be quiet.  We made it out to a McDonalds that had wifi (and also power, bottled water and AC)roughly an hour from home. While Mom surfed the internet for lodgings, I called Megan on my cell phone that I had charged at the library and wandered around underneath some pine trees edging the parking lot.  The stress and the heat of the day were finally ebbing away. While we talked about everything, and nothing in particular and I cooled off in the pine scented breeze, something remarkable happened.

Ground hogs began grazing in the clover bed behind the McDonalds.

PS. This is a Derecho